Altrincham FC Schools' Initiative
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The following text has been sent by Altrincham FC's Schools' Coordinator to local head-teachers. It offers free tickets to the last eight league matches of this season at Moss Lane. The fixture list may be found here.
February 4, 2001
Dear Head,
Altrincham Football Club - In the community
I enclose a copy of this letter setting out Altrincham Football Club's ideas to forge closer links with the community and I hope you will find it of interest. The prime aim at the start is to enlarge our supporter base and with this in mind the club is offering free tickets to the last eight games of the season to pupils attending schools in the borough and its surrounds. The club intends to issue a 'mini' season ticket, which would give entrance to all the Unibond League matches on the enclosed sheet. This will reduce the administrative effort to you and the club. There are large numbers of tickets available but I would ask you to restrict distribution to those who are really interested.
Please let me know as soon as possible how many tickets you require. You can contact me by phone or fax on 0161 282 5459 or e-mail me.
In the unlikely event that this offer is of no interest I would still like to hear from you so that I can adjust my records to ensure you are not troubled in the future. Please display the enclosed fixture list. If you would like to get the pupils to design posters of their own I am sure a suitable prize would be provided for the winning pupil and school.
Yours sincerely,
Bob Allan, Co-ordinator. For and on behalf of Altrincham A.F.C.
Altrincham FC Schools' Initiative
The following schools had joined the scheme by 1st March 2001.Also supporting the scheme are Eckersley's newsagents of Marsland Road, Sale.